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Fantastic Budget Friendly Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

As we start to come out of the colder winter months and really embrace springtime, there are a lot of great things to look forward to. And Mother’s Day happens to be one of the best things occurring in this season of fun. With it almost upon us now, it’s time to really think about how to get a fantastic budget friendly Mother’s Day gift for your mom.

mother’s day artwork

One of my favorite gifts that my kids give me just happens to be their artwork. While not all of my kids are going to be world renowned artists, they all bring something unique to the table. And a few of them are actually really darn good at the artwork they create for me.

One of my kids is a fantastic potter and has given me many of his one of a kind pieces for Mother’s Day. In the past, I’ve gotten a coffee mug, a plate and some smaller bowls that I use regularly. I’m hoping for another one of his masterpieces this year, if I’m lucky. And these aren’t too expensive either since he makes them in some of the classes offered by our local Parks and Rec programs. And he’s also taken pottery in school before, so those pieces cost even less since he was in public school.

One of my other kids is a fantastic painter and another one one draws like I could never even imagine. So, in the past I’ve received many really cool paintings and hand drawn pieces from them. I have quite a few hanging in different places around my house and office. Last year, one of them even drew a picture of their interpretation of me, which was pretty awesome when it was complete.

For these lovely pieces of artwork, I end up paying for some of the supplies, sometimes. In most cases though, they already have the supplies since they ask for art supplies for birthdays and Christmases.

Mother’s day feast

Another budget friendly Mother’s Day gift that I really love happens to be when the kids make me food of some sort. Sometimes this takes the form of breakfast or brunch, and other times it’s craft coffee and pastries, or sometimes dinner. No matter which one it happens to be, I’m always interested to see what Mother’s Day food concoctions they come up with for me.

Sometimes, what they come up with is really very tasty. Other times it’s a bit suspect, but I’m willing to give it a try. After all, they did put a lot of work and thought into whatever they’ve made me. And it’s all been made with love, so I owe them to give it a shot.

If you’re willing to be a bit adventurous, having your kids make you some sort of food or beverage concoction for Mother’s Day can be a real treat. They get a thrill out of showing off their skills, or sometimes lack thereof. And having them make an effort for me is just as much of a gift as something they’ve bought from the store that I’ll never use.

Mother’s day utilitarian gifts

I realize that not every mother wants the same things for Mother’s Day. That being said, I fall into the more utilitarian camp, as I despise extraneous stuff. Anyone who knows me for 5 minutes can figure that out, and my kids are no different. So, throughout the years, they’ve learned that if they want to get me an actual paid for gift, it better be something that I can use for something.

Some of my favorite past budget friendly Mother’s Day gifts they’ve gotten me include:

  • Giant coffee mugs (I like the ones that are not only unique but are also the size of a soup tureen)
  • Fuzzy socks with the grippers on the bottom (so I stop slipping down the stairs and trying to break my neck)
  • Really cool mousepad with artwork on it
  • Cell phone stand
  • Foam coasters with their artwork on top
  • Travel coffee mugs (because I keep dropping mine and denting them all to heck)

The list could probably go on. But these are some great examples of some good budget friendly Mother’s Day gift options.

budget friendly mother’s day gift summary

Overall, there can be a ton of great ways to celebrate mom on Mother’s Day. And since it’s almost here, it’s time to really figure it out. Some of my favorite go-to’s for budget friendly Mother’s Day gifts are pretty simple and meaningful. Artwork from my kids shows me just how much they think about me. Mother’s Day food options are always fun for me because they are full of surprises. And utilitarian Mother’s Day gifts are also always welcome. I can use them for something, as opposed to them just sitting somewhere gathering dust.

No matter what you choose to do for your Mother, I’m sure she’ll love it. When it comes from the heart and you’ve really put some thought into it, that’s all that matters.

What are some of the best budget-friendly Mother’s Day gifts you’ve either gotten or given?

How to Find a Wedding Dress on a Budget

As someone who has become recently engaged, I know there can be a lot of things to think about when it comes to planning a wedding. This will be my second marriage, so we’re going much more low key than either my fiancé and I did for our first marriages. However, even for my first wedding, I was pretty frugal when it came to finding a dream wedding dress. And this time has been no different. In fact, I’ve been able to find 2 wedding dresses for much less than I even spent on the first one! So, here are some of my tips to find a great wedding dress on a budget.

wedding dress outlet stores

For my first wedding, many moons ago, I had no idea what kind of wedding dress I wanted. So, I did what most brides do (at that time, at least) and looked around the wedding stores near me for design choices. I have to say that I definitely had sticker shock when I first saw the prices they were charging for wedding dresses. Especially since you only wear them once for a few hours. Most of the wedding dresses I saw were priced between $1500 – $5000. These prices are crazy!

So, my mom told me that we should check one of the wedding dress outlet stores not too far away from us. And I’m so happy we did! With these types of stores, you get what you get and you don’t throw a fit. So, your choices may be more limited based on size and style, but you’re bound to find something.

It took me a few hours to find some choices that would potentially work. I was able to find a fantastic wedding dress for my big day though. With the shoes and a veil I was able to leave the store spending just shy of $600 for all of it. I did have to get a few minor alterations done on my dress closer to the wedding day, but those only cost me another $40. This was still a bit more than I wanted to spend to only wear a dress, shoes and a veil for a few hours. However, it was much more budget friendly than the mainstream wedding dress stores.

Online WEdding dress shopping

For this second wedding, I began looking online for wedding dresses. The fact that there are so many choices online now make any kind of shopping so much easier. For our second marriage, we’ve decided to have a destination wedding in the Maldives on the beach. So, I wanted something much lower key, which also translates to more cost efficient. However, since destination weddings in the Maldives aren’t considered legal in the United States, we have to have a courthouse ceremony before we depart to make it legal also. Therefore, I need two dresses. One for our legal ceremony (which I wanted to be more of a dress that I would wear again to parties and special events) and one for our actual ceremony in the Maldives.

Hebeos and JJ’s House

I began searching and found two great websites that had a ton of wedding dress options for very frugal prices. Hebeos was the first website that I ran across. And I loved quite a few styles on this site, along with the prices. However, their return policy if I didn’t like the dress was a bit more stringent than the second website I found, JJ’s House. JJ’s House had a lot of similar options and also had a Try Before You Buy program. This program let me pick up to 3 different dresses and pay only $10 each to have them sent to my house for me to try on. I had 14 days to try them on once they arrived and return them if I didn’t like them. I loved this idea!

So, I picked one dress for the Maldives and two dresses for our legal ceremony here. I was really excited about them, but they didn’t fit me right when I tried them on. So, I returned them and picked a different style that I knew would work for me. This dress was only $109 and is for my legal ceremony here in the States. Plus, I love it so much that I will definitely be wearing it to other events.

boutique store shopping

My wedding dress proved to be a little more difficult to find. I really wasn’t sure what I wanted, other than I wanted it to not drag on the sand and fit my body well, but give me some breathing room. Plus, it had to pack well in my carry on bag with everything else and not get damaged. My mom and I went to the mall (which I detest doing) to see what we could find at the bigger department stores.

The department stores did definitely have some decent options, but none that were my style, or in my budget. We stumbled upon one of the smaller boutique stores that had a clearance section from last years styles. And we got really lucky. My mom found a dress that she thought looked like my style and was only $33 after tax! I I did need to take it to get hemmed a little bit and taken in on the back. But the total for those alterations was only $30. So I only spent a total of $63 on my actual wedding dress, which is awesome!

Wedding Dress on a budget summary

Overall, there are a lot of great ways you can find a wedding dress on a budget. A lot of it will depend upon your style, time of year and location where your wedding will take place. Wedding dress outlet stores are a good place to check for in person styles and so you can try some things on. Boutique stores and some department stores may also be good places to check. You never know what they can be hiding in their clearance sections. And if all else fails, searching online is probably going to be a win-win because of the plethora of options available.

I’m pretty darn happy with the fact that I was able to get two wedding dresses for a total of under $200. Especially since my first one cost a little over $600. Now, that gives me something else to smile about besides just getting married.

Where are some places that you’ve found a fantastic wedding dress on a budget?

5 Fantastic Budget-Friendly Valentine’s Date Ideas

Valentine’s day is upon us again. As crazy as that seems! And with today being the big day, the even bigger question is how should we show our love just how much we love them? And, is it possible to do just that while also not breaking the bank? Well, it certainly is possible to do both, in my experience. So, I’ve come up with a list of 5 fantastic budget-friendly Valentine’s date ideas that are my favorite options.

#1. Adult arcade adventure

As part of the generation that grew up with arcades as a normal part of life, they are extremely nostalgic for me. And while they seemed to have a slow death for quite a few years, it seems the idea of them has been revitalized lately. Not only are they beginning to come back, but they are coming back with a bit of an adult twist!

The few adult arcades we have in our area now offer a full bar. All of them also either have food trucks outside to grab some delicious food or a full kitchen with mostly bar food. The arcades around us are open to all ages during the day, but at night they are only for ages 21 and up. Which is nice, if you want to have an adult night out without children.

These arcades are usually stocked with all of the old school 1980’s games, for a highly reminiscent night of fun. But, we have found one even newer adult arcade option that also has some new spins on old favorites to make adult arcade night even more of an adventure.

#2. Romantic hike

Hiking is a great way to get out and enjoy nature, while reconnecting with your significant other. There are so many places to explore, that hiking can be an adventure all on its own. However, for a really good budget-friendly Valentine’s date you may want to spice up the romance a bit. And what better way to do that than to pack a picnic lunch or dinner with some wine to share?

Dig out a picnic basket, cutlery, plates, glasses and napkin. Then pack up a delicious tapas style feast to share somewhere along your hike. The best way to turn up the romance once you’ve gotten to this point is to disconnect from everything else and really just connect with your loved one. And the way to do this is to leave your phones in the car or turn them off, in case you need them for an unexpected emergency.

#3. check out a museum

Museums are another one of my favorite places to go for some budget-friendly fun. While not all museums are free, a lot of them are. We are lucky in that we live in the capital of our state, and therefore have a few museum options to choose from that are really good. And, all of ours just happen to be free as an added bonus.

Of course, each of the museums near us (Art, History, Science) also have paid exhibits. These are a little more special than every other exhibit they continually have on display. So, if you’d like to splurge a little bit, consider taking in one of the paid exhibits while you’re there. And a lot of museums will try to do something special for Valentine’s day, so it’s definitely worth checking out.

#4. Wine/beer tasting and pairing

The majority of us live somewhere close enough to a winery, brewery or meadery. And while not all of us will think of these as romantic options, per say, they really can be. A lot of these establishments will put on some sort of special Valentine’s date event to get more people to come in and try their offerings.

We have found quite a few near us that offer some sort of food pairing with their alcoholic options. And these dark chocolate strawberries or more savory concoctions can really add to the overall experience. Plus, it’s something a bit different than what they would normally offer.

While this option may not be quite as budget-friendly as others on the list, it can be a lot of great fun if you find the right space for you and your loved one.

#5. Movie fun

Throughout the years, movies have become more and more expensive. So, this may not be the cheapest option on the list. But, even though movies have become more expensive, they have been also upping the ante with the overall experience at the same time. Theaters have been achieving this by ripping out the old stinky fabric seats and replacing them with luxurious recliners. Some of them have small tables in group style pods also, for an even better experience.

These theaters have also revamped the snack bar to offer a much wider variety of options. On top of that, most of the theaters we have run across near us now also offer seat side service. Which means they will come and take your order at your seat (and have more of a full menu to choose from). They even offer beer and wine now too! So, check out a movie theater near you to see what great Valentine’s day movie options they may have available this year.

Budget-friendly valentine’s date ideas summary

Overall, there are quite a few options you can choose from to show your loved one just how much they mean to you on this special day. But, I’m not a huge fan of spending boatloads of money to do that. So, I prefer more budget-friendly Valentine’s date ideas as my go-to choices. When I’m wanting to have a bit more fun, I typically go the arcade or museum route. If I’m feeling a bit more romantic, I’ll probably opt for a romantic hike. And if I’m feeling like I’d prefer to be around more people and am okay with spending a bit more money, I’ll go for a beer or wine tasting or a movie.

But no matter which option you choose, you’re bound to have a wonderful time with your loved one on this Valentine’s day!

What are some of the best ways budget-friendly options you’ve found to celebrate Valentine’s day with your loved one?

Why the End of the Year is a Fantastic Time to Save on a New Appliance

With the end of the year nearly upon us, it’s time to start taking advantage of some year end sales. Which means it may be a great time to save on a new appliance or two. If you really need them, of course. Since appliances can be pretty pricey, no matter when you buy them, it’s nice to be able to keep some money in your pocket. There are a few different things to think about prior to running out and taking advantage of a end of the year appliance sale though. So, before you pull the trigger, there are a few things to think about first.

appliance Longevity

Since everything is made cheaper and cheaper with the passing of time, that equates to a shorter overall lifespan and higher costs of our appliances. Which is ridiculous, if you ask me. But all of these companies would be out of business if they made appliances to last as long as they used to. And due to this mentality, it means we end up shelling out a lot more money than we used to for home appliances.

In fact, the average life expectancy of most major household appliances are as follows:

  • Dishwasher: 9 years
  • Dryer: 13 years
  • Electric Range: 13 – 15 years
  • Freezer: 10 – 20 years
  • Garbage Disposal: 12 years (On a side note, I disagree with this one since our brand new garbage disposal died after 3 years, which was 2 years after the warranty expired. When I called the company to discuss this issue, they told me they only guarantee them for 1 year now because of reduced life expectancy.)
  • Gas Range: 15 – 17 years
  • Microwave: 9 years
  • Refrigerator: 9 – 13 years
  • Washing Machine: 5 – 15 years

Obviously, this range is pretty wide and will vary. But, this is a good jumping off point for planning accordingly.

new appliance PLANning

When it comes to a plan, the best way to begin is by taking an appliance inventory. I like spreadsheets for everything, so this is a good time to play with Excel. Create a spreadsheet with the following appliance information:

  • Appliance purchase date
  • Make and Model of current appliance
  • Make and Model of the potential replacement
  • How many years of life each appliance has left based on average life expectancy
  • Multiply how many years of life left by 3.22%, which is the current average rate of inflation
  • The total amount that appliance would potentially cost you
  • Divide the cost by how many years each appliance has left of life expectancy
  • Divide by 12 to get the monthly figure you need to add into your monthly budget

Just by taking this one step in planning, you could potentially save yourself hundreds of dollars in the long run. But you can also help remove a lot of undue pressure by making sure you have enough saved for replacement appliances.

YEAR END new appliance sales

Once the life expectancy of each appliance has been narrowed down, then you know which ones you should start keeping an eye out for first. If any of the appliances on your list are getting towards the end of their life expectancy, now is a great time to start looking for end of the year sales.

Traditionally, most appliance manufacturers roll out new product lines in September or early October. By the time the end of the year comes around stores are practically handing out freebies. The end of the year brings some major last minute sales quotas that need to be met. But, most dealers also don’t want to keep old merchandise in stock because they need to make room for the new lines. Which means that if you’re willing to purchase a last year model, you will have amazing negotiating power at this time of year.

Another option if you miss the eoy boat

If you aren’t quite ready to pull the trigger yet, don’t worry. You may still get lucky in January. Since January is one of the slowest purchasing months of the year, dealers need us even more to reach quota. So, if they couldn’t get you in December, they may just be willing to throw everything they have at you now to get you to purchase a new appliance (or 5).

Keep in mind that while you may not get the exact appliance you had been budgeting for, what you can get will probably be comparable. By willing to take the so called leftovers, you could be making out like an appliance bandit. And saving yourself a lot of your previously budgeted money for something else instead.

End of the Year New APPLIANCE summary

Whether we like it or not, we are all going to have to replace appliances at some point. It’s just the nature of the beast in our current world. But it doesn’t mean that it has to cause additional stress on our wallet or our psyche when it happens.

So, take an appliance inventory and create an estimated life expectancy. By creating an appliance replacement plan ahead of time, it’s almost an impossibility to not save money when we have to purchase a new appliance. Overall, now is one of the best times of the year to get a phenomenal deal on a new appliance. As long as you are ready for one and have the money budgeted, of course.

Have you found any great end of the year new appliance deals? If so, where and on which appliances?

Selling Wedding rings

Where Can You Sell Your Wedding Ring?

It is very typical if you are planning to sell your wedding ring. Many people do the same thing. There are also many reasons why people sell their rings. The number one reason people sell their wedding rings is that they no longer have a use for them. Many couples choose to dispose of their ring when they get divorced or when one member of the couple moves away.


Other reasons people will sell their wedding rings include if they can no longer afford to keep them or if there is any financial emergency.


If you are considering selling your wedding ring, you must first know how much is my wedding ring worth. To understand this, you can go to many places. One option is to take it as a trade-in at a pawnshop or jewelry store. You can also sell it online, through classified ads, or with a jeweler specializing in wedding rings.

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Traveling without breaking the bank

How To Travel More Frequently (Without Breaking The Bank)

Traveling is a leisure activity that many people desire but often don’t experience because of their limited budgets. Transportation, hotel accommodations, food, and entertainment for a week-long getaway can cost as much as $1,500 per person. Considering that most annual salaries barely cover the cost of living, the idea of taking a vacation seems impossible. The good news is that you can take an affordable guilt-free vacation without breaking the bank. Continue reading for advice. 

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banks and climate change

How Do Banks Contribute to Climate Change?

When we consider ways to make a positive impact on our environment, many of us think of choosing energy-efficient cars, eating less meat, recycling our plastics, upgrading to LED lights in our homes, and planting trees. Did you know that banks are one of the biggest offenders to the environment? 


Let’s take a closer look at how banks contribute to climate change and what you can do to make a difference. 

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Budgeting for Healthcare

How to Budget for Healthcare in Retirement

A major part of planning for retirement is creating a financial budget. As you won’t be making a salary anymore, it’s crucial to be careful and aware of how you’re spending your pension and social security.


One of the major expenses that retirees have are healthcare expenses. On average, a retired person spends about $300,000 on healthcare during their retirement. Unfortunately, many people planning to retire don’t necessarily plan for such expenses and can find themselves in financial trouble.


As you plan for retirement, consider the following factors when budgeting for your healthcare.

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5 Ways to Save Money on Gas

While it’s been a great relief to finally be on the tail end of the COVID pandemic, the cost of everything seems to have increased exponentially. And the price of gas at the pump is no exception. How much gas has jumped here is astronomical and fairly ridiculous. But, where we live, you simply have to have a car to get around because our public transportation is spotty, at best. Due to that, I’ve found some of the best ways to save money on gas to stretch my dollar further.


The most important tip, in my opinion, is to be very aware of when during the day you fill-up.

Filling up when it’s cooler outside ultimately costs you less money overall. This is due to the fact that there is less evaporation of gasoline fumes while fueling, so less loss. Therefore, shoot to fuel up in the morning or later at night, whenever possible.

Also, filling up early morning (and I mean EARLY) or late evening can sometimes net you lower fuel prices. Gas station prices can fluctuate during the day when refueling trucks show up. So if you go during off-hours, and when it’s cooler, you are more likely to get lower gas prices per gallon and retain more of the fuel you’re paying for.

As another caveat, do your best not to get gas from a gas station if a refueling truck is there. When the refueling trucks pump new gasoline into the tanks they disturb the sediment at the bottom of the tank. This is “gunk” that you don’t want in your tank because it reduces your gas mileage.


Just like everything else in life, not all things are created equally. And gas stations are no exception to this rule. Gas prices can vary widely depending on which part of town you’re in at the time. For example, gas on the south and southeast parts of town are much much cheaper than the north side of town where I live. Sometimes they can fluctuate up to a $1.00 a gallon in difference. Which is absolutely crazy!

Therefore, get to know your home base better. Learn where better gas prices usually are. Once you do that, it makes it easier to save on gas if you hit those stations regularly. However, it may include some planning on your part, depending upon where you live.

#3. ROUTE planning

With regards to planning routes, this can be another important part of the puzzle. Planning where you need to go for the day, and maximizing your time and gas money is important.

Map out the routes in your head, or on your map app on your phone, and figure out the best time of day and route to get it all done at once. This way you won’t have to waste time, gas, and wear and tear on your vehicle going back and forth between home and these different places.

By planning your route out to spend the least amount of time, and miles, on the road, the further your gas will go and the less money you’ll ultimately be spending.

#4. APPS

Another great way to save on gas is with apps. There are two that I have been using for a while now. One much longer than the other, but both have helped me out a ton.


The Get Upside app is one of my favorite gas apps. This app is expanding to offer more deals than just gas, which is awesome. However, how they operate is by giving rebates on gas, groceries, and restaurants.

As soon as you pull up the app, it pulls up a map of where you are and all of the participating stores on the map in relation to you. These are stores that they have an agreement with. Basically, it’s marketing for the stores to get you to shop with them versus their competitors. When you filter out all of the other stores and just look for gas stations, the prices you see will be the price of gas at each station after the rebate, not before. So this is a good thing to keep in mind.

All of the money saved goes into your Get Upside account until you cash it out. You can cash out at any time, but I usually wait until I have at least $20 in rewards. The way you can get the money out is either by PayPal or by choosing one of their many digital gift card options. I typically choose Amazon so that I can just use it for any of our many Amazon purchases.


This is my second favorite gas app, which I’ve been using this one for years now. Since I found Get Upside, I haven’t been using it as often, I must confess. But, it still helps me out when I’m out of my home area a lot, so I keep it in my back pocket.

Gas Buddy is a free app, that works by tracking location and shows the best gas prices in the vicinity. You can search by city, zip code or by hitting the “Find Gas Near Me” button in the middle of the home page. This pulls up a map of where you are and shows you all of the gas stations nearby, with their prices listed.

You can also report gas prices when you are at a gas station. This is to confirm that the prices they are showing are correct. When you do this, you will get “points” that you can use to enter their daily drawing for a $100 gas gift card. While I haven’t won one of the gift cards yet, it doesn’t hurt to keep trying!


Most of the gas companies also have rewards cards with perks for using them. I currently have a BP Rewards card and an Exxon/Mobile Rewards card.

The easiest ways to get these is by grabbing one of the applications at a station when you are there or by downloading their app.  These are not credit cards, but are solely rewards cards. Depending upon the card, and how often you have used it, the rewards can vary. I have been able to get anywhere from $.02 to $.13 off of each gallon of gas, per purchase. And these can be partnered with either of the aforementioned gas apps to help you save even more money. Which is an awesome bonus!

Save money on gas summary

Overall, even though gas is crazy expensive right now, there are ways to save money and stretch your dollar. By being cognizant of the time of day you refuel, location, route planning, using apps,  and partnering with rewards cards you can really help maximize your gas mileage and reduce costs. And by doing so, enjoy your summer travel just a little bit more.

What are some of the best ways you’ve found to save money on gas this year?

Improve your credit

The Best Ways to Get Out of Debt and Increase Your Credit Score

Whether you are trying to get out of debt, increase your score, or both, it can feel like you don’t know where to start. This is by design. If you don’t know how to get out of debt or increase your credit score when you don’t have a borrowing history, there are some things you can do. It doesn’t matter where you are financially. Do you need to take out a loan or pay back the ones you’ve already had access to? What about your credit? Do you have a credit card? Do you need to pay it off? Whatever your situation, below are the best ways to get out of debt and increase your credit score. Read more