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How to Increase Your Income by Diversifying Your Skill Set

With the rate of inflation not getting any better anytime soon, one of the only ways to get ahead is to earn more. While there may be many different ways to do this, there is one way that works so much better than everything else. At least, in my opinion. In order to increase your income at a faster rate than inflation, it’s important to learn how to diversify your skill set.


First and foremost, when you learn a new skill you’re already diversifying. You do this by going outside of your comfort zone, and by doing so you become much more effective at problem-solving.

Therefore, diversifying is what can help increase your income fairly fast. And at the same time it also helps increase your problem-solving skills. These two happen to have a direct correlation to each other, coincidentally.

When you learn a new skill you are increasing the thickness of the myelin sheathing in your brain. This white matter protects the large system of nerves that run through your brain, which is what sends all communications to every part of your body. By increasing the thickness, you’re increasing how fast, and accurate, messages travel in your brain. This increases your overall cognitive ability and, therefore, your problem-solving skills become that much stronger. By doing this, you increase your potential value as an employee, which then directly correlates to increasing your income.


If you’re already happy with your job, learning new skills is the next step forward. By doing just this one thing, you set yourself up to earn more money.

You can do this by now being able to potentially perform another possible job function. Or can perform your job at a higher level, and both of these increase your overall worth. This increases your value and therefore your worth.

Some of the best skills to look at incorporating to gain the highest rate of return are:

  • Accounting
  • Bookkeeping
  • Currency Exchange Trading
  • Customer Relations
  • Data Analysis
  • Digital Marketing
  • Excel
  • Graphic Design
  • HTML/CSS Coding
  • JavaScript
  • Mobile App Development
  • Networking
  • PowerPoint
  • Public Speaking
  • Python
  • Real Estate Investing
  • Social Media Management
  • Video Creation
  • Website Development
  • Writing


If you aren’t as happy in your current job, then another way to diversify your skill set is to take on side hustles. Whether you work a primary job or multiple side hustle types of jobs, adding in another can only help increase your income. By incorporating side hustles, you’re not only increasing your skill set but also diversifying your income stream.

By doing both of these you end up creating more overall financial security for yourself. I have found this to be extremely helpful because things change all the time. So by not putting all of our eggs in one basket, there’s a much better chance that major changes at a primary job, or the market, won’t affect our financial bottom line as much.

Some of my favorite side hustles are:

  • Accounting/Bookkeeping – Quickbooks is what I have been using since the 1990s, but Freshbooks is another great option.
  • Airbnb & Airbnb Experiences – these are great options if you have extra space or a specific talent to share.
  • Buying and selling electronics – some of my kids have been doing this for years and made some pretty good money.
  • Real Estate Investing – buy and holds, land, lending trusts, fix and flips, etc.
  • Rover – this can include boarding dogs, doggy daycare, dog walking, drop-in’s for dogs and/or cats.
  • Selling at Consignment Sales – while you might not make a ton of money doing it, it’s still a pretty great side hustle.
  • Surveys – such as America Consumer Opinion, Pinecone Surveys, Survey Junkie, and Swagbucks.
  • Uber and Uber Eats – these can be done on your own schedule, which is great for those of us with a hectic lifestyle.
  • Writing a book or Freelance Writing – this can even create passive income, which is a huge bonus.

Increase your income summary

By learning new skills you increase your diversity, which in turn increases your problem-solving skills. And when you increase your problem-solving skills, you have a much better chance of increasing your income because you’ve become a more valuable player at your job. Or you can use these increased problem-solving skills to embark upon some side hustles instead.

Either way, you’re only setting yourself up to be a better version of you in the future and also increase your income at the same time. This sounds like a major win-win to me!

What are some of the best ways you have found to ultimately increase your income?

Selling Wedding rings

Where Can You Sell Your Wedding Ring?

It is very typical if you are planning to sell your wedding ring. Many people do the same thing. There are also many reasons why people sell their rings. The number one reason people sell their wedding rings is that they no longer have a use for them. Many couples choose to dispose of their ring when they get divorced or when one member of the couple moves away.


Other reasons people will sell their wedding rings include if they can no longer afford to keep them or if there is any financial emergency.


If you are considering selling your wedding ring, you must first know how much is my wedding ring worth. To understand this, you can go to many places. One option is to take it as a trade-in at a pawnshop or jewelry store. You can also sell it online, through classified ads, or with a jeweler specializing in wedding rings.

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Budgeting for Healthcare

How to Budget for Healthcare in Retirement

A major part of planning for retirement is creating a financial budget. As you won’t be making a salary anymore, it’s crucial to be careful and aware of how you’re spending your pension and social security.


One of the major expenses that retirees have are healthcare expenses. On average, a retired person spends about $300,000 on healthcare during their retirement. Unfortunately, many people planning to retire don’t necessarily plan for such expenses and can find themselves in financial trouble.


As you plan for retirement, consider the following factors when budgeting for your healthcare.

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Improve your credit

The Best Ways to Get Out of Debt and Increase Your Credit Score

Whether you are trying to get out of debt, increase your score, or both, it can feel like you don’t know where to start. This is by design. If you don’t know how to get out of debt or increase your credit score when you don’t have a borrowing history, there are some things you can do. It doesn’t matter where you are financially. Do you need to take out a loan or pay back the ones you’ve already had access to? What about your credit? Do you have a credit card? Do you need to pay it off? Whatever your situation, below are the best ways to get out of debt and increase your credit score. Read more

Careers for Someone Interested in Making a Lot of Cash

Careers for Someone Interested in Making a Lot of Cash

Making a lot of money is often every eligible employee’s first concern. Everyone wants to have the best car, best house, and live the most expensive life. This is only achievable with a high salary, something which is incredibly hard to achieve unless you know the right people or have the right education. If you are looking to further your education and want to know what field to go into in order to make the most money, look no further! Here are five different careers for someone interested in making a lot of cash:

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Having a good credit score is important even if you do not care about acquiring the latest card. Check out this article to learn more.

Why Your Credit Score Is Important

In spite of all the credit cards that are out there, many people believe that a person will be happier if they live a credit-free life and only buy the things that they can afford. They may have no credit cards or one credit card that they use for emergencies.

Having a good credit score is important even if you do not care about acquiring the latest card. If you drive a car, you’re going to have to get insurance for that vehicle. Many insurance companies will run your credit score before deciding what premium to charge you. Read more

Making a home office on a budget.

Creating a Fabulous Home Office on a Budget

Many Americans have spent the past year and a half working from home. This meant that they needed to create a space where they could get stuff done even if their home wasn’t designed for having a home office. You worked on your tables, at the couch, and sometimes even in the bedroom. While this ingenuity is to be applauded, it’s evident that many of you won’t be going back to the office. Whether you’re excited or discouraged by this reality, it’s time to create your own home office. You don’t need a huge budget to create a space to work, but you do need to set aside some money if you want to make a truly fabulous spot where you can get things done. Read more