SO, it’s December 27th, 2012. Exactly 5 days until we begin our DE lifestyle, and roughly a month or so since the Lord planted this Depression Era living idea into our hearts. As we head toward DE Day, I’ve been going through the gamut of emotions: fear, excitement, celebration, relief, anger and the like.
I was feeling particularly discouraged yesterday. Seriously??? A whole year without any extras whatsoever? I can’t do that! I DON’T WANNA DO THAT!
What followed was some encouragement from a sis-in-law and from a couple of good friends.
I then went online and started reading stories about people who had successfully dumped their debt.
And then, my motivation was back. So, in order to keep us on track, and keep me, as the CEO of our family finances, on track, I decided to make a list of the whys; the reasons we said “Yes” when the Lord laid His plan for us on our hearts. So, here it is, not in any particular order, and I hope it motivates you too, for whatever the Lord has asked you to do:
- Because we don’t want to freak out about money anymore; we don’t want it to be our master for even one more day.
- Because we want peace of mind for our family. I personally want it for my hubby, who wants so desperately to be a good provider for this family. He deserves peace because he works so hard.
- Because we want more for our kids. We’ve got the greatest kids ever (next to yours, of course), and we don’t want to ever again have to say “no” because we’re trying to figure out how we’re going to pay the bills.
- Because we don’t ever want to have to say to our kids “We have to move because we’re losing the house”.
- Because we want to be able to give abundantly, wherever, and whenever, the Lord leads us to.
- Because we want to help our extended family work their way toward financial peace.
- Because we don’t want to have to resort to eating dog food (or worse) in our retirement years.
- Because we’d really like to be able to be a good example for our kids, and be able to bless them financially when the time comes for them to start their families.
- Because we’re sick and tired of having certain mortgage and credit card companies be the boss of our time and our money.
- Because we want to be better stewards of God’s money.
So, there you have it. And it’s a list we’ll remember to look at every time we want to throw in the towel and head over to the local Chinese buffet for a ginormous lunch.
If you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired, and if you’re ready to make some financial changes for the good of yourself and/or your loved ones, it’s time to make that list. You know the one, your motivational list of whys.
The list that’s going to be posted prominently in your house or in your wallet and that’s going to remind you why you’re sticking to your budget and to your financial goals.
Our must-have book for getting out of debt: The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness
And you’re going to look at that list every time you want to spend outside of your budget or buy something new and shiny. And you’re going to make the decision to stick to your goals, to run that race toward the finish line that is debt freedom. May The Force (The Holy One, the Almighty God, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords) be with us, and with you!!!
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