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Financial Literacy Roundup: Week #3

It’s been another fast-paced week in the personal finance blogging world and in life. We’re in the last third of Financial Literacy Month, and PF bloggers everywhere are scrambling to make an impact on the world, sharing what they know to help others live a better financial life.

A Debt Paid Off

I found a terrific article on Retire Before Dad this week called Never Regret a Paid Off Debt. If you’re vacillating on whether or not to make the leap and work toward debt freedom, this is for you. Likewise, if you’re one who is in favor of keeping debt and investing all extra money, you might find this article interesting as well.

Financial Literacy Chronicles

Jack from Enwealthen continues with his powerful series, Financial Literacy Chronicles. It’s awesome to read about all of the different bloggers and how their money mindsets were formed. Head on over – I’m sure you’ll find them both entertaining and educational.

From Good to Great in Retirement

Since we focused so much on retirement this week, I thought this article from The Retirement Manifesto was perfect to include. Fritz and his wife wrote an article entitled How to Move Your Retirement From Good to Great, which outlined how they made a stellar move that increased the quality of their retired life in many ways – awesome!!!

What Do Animal House and Personal Finance Have in Common?

I never thought it could be done, but the Groovys have managed to make a connection between Animal House and money management with this goodie, entitled The Dean Wormer Guide to Personal Finance. In his typical humorist style, Mr. Groovy will make you think about money and movies in an entirely different way. 🙂

Who Should Teach Your Kids About Money?

Brian from Debt Discipline broaches a powerful topic in his post, Financial Education: School or Parent – Which is a Young Person’s Best Bet?  Anyone who has struggled with money problems would likely agree that it is vital for kids to learn about money management at a young age. The question is who should teach them?

Why We Left Suburbia

And you might find this article interesting. Over at Maximize Your Money, I shared a post telling Why We Left Suburbia for Life on a Hobby Farm. Hint: It ended up having a LOT to do with money, even though that wasn’t our original reason for moving.

And on our site this week we featured the following great articles:

Kids and College: How to Help Them Without Hurting Yourself Financially

Why and How to Start Saving for Retirement NOW

What to do if You’re Late to the Retirement Savings Game

and as a bonus: How Much Does it Cost to Homeschool?

Th….th……th…..that’s all, folks. Have a wonderfully financially fit weekend!


  1. Brian says:

    Another great round up. I really enjoyed Mr.G’s take on Dean Wormer and Animal House. A classic. Thanks for including my article! Only a few days left in financial literacy month, let’s keep the momentum going!

  2. Mr. Groovy says:

    Like Fritz and Brian, I am truly honored to be included in your round up. You’re much too kind. But I have to admit, linking Animal House to personal finance was bound to strike a cord with tons of people. My cousin has been tweeting movie lines all day. Her last one was, “What are we supposed to do, you moron?” Have a great weekend, Laurie. You made my week.

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