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5 Financial Truths You Need to Face Up to NOW

This post isn’t for all of you, but I’d be willing to bet that if it’s not for you, you know someone that it is for. If you’ve got your finances together but know someone who desperately needs to get theirs together, please consider sharing this post with them if you think it will help them. 

Every once in awhile I feel a desperate urge to issue a wake-up call with those struggling with paycheck-to-paycheck living. Today is one of those days. Read more

the word "debt" on a chalkboard along with a hand holding an eraser

7 Reasons Why You Can’t Get Out of Debt

the word "debt" on a chalkboard along with a hand holding an eraser
Here’s Why You Can’t Seem to Dump Your Debt

For years – years – Rick and I struggled to overcome debt. We failed every time. Oh, there were times of debt freedom, but we inevitably fell back into debt again. So what made the difference for us between failing at getting out of debt and succeeding at getting out of debt? One huge key was attitude. We learned to overcome the mistakes that broke people make and to stop believing the lies that broke people believe.

Another vital key was that we learned to understand what it was that was prohibiting us from getting out of debt in the first place. There were several habits and mindsets that were keeping us from succeeding on a long-term basis from dumping debt. Now that we’ve overcome them and are successfully dumping our debt, I thought it would be a good time to share what we’ve learned. Enter, 7 reasons why you can’t get out of debt. Read more