Welcome back to our twice monthly guest-poster, Kyle, from Rather-be-Shopping. Once again, Kyle has amazing money-saving tips for us. Thanks, Kyle, for sharing your wisdom. 🙂
If you are the type of shopper who doesn’t consider the right time to buy certain items, you’re most likely spending way more money than you need to. Due to the laws of supply and demand, almost everything we consume has a cheaper and more expensive buying season. If you can plan ahead and buy when items are out of season you can typically save a lot of money. Here are 10 popular items to consider.
1. Televisions
Buy in April and May. The Japanese fiscal years ends in March which means television manufacturers like Samsung and Sony will be very eager to unload inventory in April and May. Deals during these two months are historically better than Black Friday and the week leading up to the Super Bowl. If you are cool with last season’s model you can really score a great deal.
2. Refrigerators
Buy in May. New refrigerator models are historically released in May which means your Home Depot’s and Lowe’s of the world will seriously discount current inventory to make room for new models on the sales floor. Use this knowledge to your advantage and save up to 50%. My wife and I did this last year and saved $570 on a new Samsung fridge.
3. Clothing
Clothing and apparel are one of those things that always present buying opportunities if you shop smart. Be sure to always buy at the end of the current season for the following year. For example, right now many stores are clearing out their summer merchandise for pennies on the dollar. Buy your shorts, t-shirts, summer dresses, and flip-flops now and store them for next spring and summer. Your wallet will thank you.
4. Dishware & Flatware
Buy in June. May and June is officially known as wedding season and with it comes deals on dishware for everyone, including those not tying the knot. If you can hold out until June to buy your flatware and dishes you’ll be able to save a bundle.
5. Carpeting & Flooring
Buy in January. The peak of the pricing on new carpet, laminate flooring, and hardwood flooring is in October and November as people spruce up their home right before the holidays arrive. Use this knowledge and wait until January when prices go down substantially.
6. BBQ’s and A/C’s
Buy in the winter. BBQ’s and air conditioners are obviously warm weather luxuries and the demand plummets when it gets chilly outside. If having the newest and greatest model is no big deal for you, buy last season’s model when stores start to clear them out.
7. Wedding Decor/Supplies
Buy in October or November. The wedding season is long over which put you in the driver’s seat when buying wedding supplies as well as reserving locations. Your ability to negotiate pricing on wedding and reception locations as well as DJ’s, flowers, and catering goes way up in October and November as well.
8. School Supplies
Buy in September. I always recommend only buying the “must-haves” like pencils, notebooks, and paper in July and August. Then when school begins and stores start to clear out merchandise, stock up on all the other stuff like backpacks, calculators, and laptops. This is a great way to take advantage of clearance deals at stores like Walmart, Target, Office Depot, and Kohl’s.
9. Lawnmowers & Weed Eaters
Buy in September. If your lawnmower barely made it through the summer don’t wait until next spring to buy a new one. The best deals of the year are happening right now as stores do NOT want to store their current inventory until next year. Use this to your advantage and you can easily save up to 50% off a new mower or weed eater.
10. Patio Furniture
Buy in October. Most Americans store their patio furniture in their garage during the winter months. Well, your big box stores don’t have a garage to store the furniture they haven’t sold. So instead, they slash the prices of their inventory in October to quickly get rid of it making it a great time to buy.
This list is just the tip of the iceberg. When considering any significant purchase, always do some research to determine if you can save money by waiting until the item is “officially” out of season. While you can’t really wait 6 months for a better deal on a refrigerator if yours completely breaks, you can wait for a better time to buy if you think your fridge is ugly, getting old, or losing efficiency.
As for some related coupons, here are some of the most popular off-season deals currently on my website.
About The Author: Kyle James is the creator of Rather Be Shopping.com which is a site dedicated to helping families save more of their hard earned money each month.
Great tips! I especially like the one about when to buy a new TV!
thanks! If you can hold out until next spring you can make out like a bandit!
Love this post! I always find myself buying things when it’s the most expensive. I need to stop doing that.
Thanks Michelle. If you can plan ahead, especially on bigger purchases, you really can save some substantial money.
I didn’t know that’s it’s better to buy televisions in April and May. Thanks for the tips!
Useful tips! I’ve also heard that the steepest discounts on TVs are right before the Super Bowl. We also love buying things off season…great savings!
and if you want to buy a new smartphone, wait for the newest edition to be released, the “old” one will probably cost half of what it did a couple of weeks ago.
That is a great tip, thanks for sharing. Why spend top dollar on a smartphone when last season’s model is practically identical in many cases.
Buying clothes at the end of the season for next year, is a good one, especially when you have kids. They grow so fast 🙂
So true. My wife shops the Old Navy clearance section often for our kids.
It’s always great to buy clothes during the end of a season.
Well, I didn’t know that some appliances are cheaper during the months of April and May. Thanks for that information.
I didn’t know about some of these like the TV and Refrigerators. I do try to buy clothes out of season. I really want a patio table to sit on my porch so I might keep a close eye out next month!
Keep an eye out on HomeDepot.com, the deals are going to be pretty good.
Very good tips, I never would’ve thought about the TV’s and Refrigerators and all these come in handy as, hopefully, we’ll get our own place soon. However, I did start for a while now to take advantage of sales and buy during the off season. The fact that you’re not under pressure to “buy it now” gives you more chances to look for the best deal and since it’s off season, you will find it!
Great point! If you don’t “need it now” you have time to research the best deal.
Thanks for the information! This is very helpful, Laurie!
Thanks Kelly.
Great information Kyle, I have printed this list out and will keep it for reference, or at least give it to my wife who is the spender in our family. Never knew much about this, very interesting, thanks!
I need this stapled to my forehead. I always know there are times of the year to buy certain products, but outside of sweet corn and automobiles, I’m at a loss whether it’s a great month or not.
LOL – ouch, that’s gonna hurt!
Great stuff Kyle 🙂
As I only by used, I save pretty much during any season…but…I did buy a new 32 inch flat screen TV about three years ago and it WAS in May! Total cost…after a $50.00 gift certificate…$200.00 bucks!! Now THAT was a deal 🙂
Thanks again for your hard work in getting this post up.
Take care and all the best.
Sweet Lyle – glad someone else backs up my May claim! Thanks!
Holiday decorations are another thing to buy out of season or right after the holiday. Stock up for the next year, just remember where you put everything 🙂
Oh, great tip Monica! My mom use to always buy Christmas wrapping paper the day after Christmas.
I had no idea about the flooring, but it makes sense. We bought ski clothes at the end of winter last year, which saved a ton of money. I think we got the parka for something crazy like $15. It would be $80 to buy one now.
We installed laminate flooring a couple Novembers ago and we got a great deal with free installation from Lowe’s.
I meant “Januarys” ago!
I love buying bikinis in the fall, coats in summer, candy one week after Halloween, and chocolate a week after Valentine’s day. It’s all about the timing! People will price gauge you!
You got it figured out!!
Thanks for this wonderful tips! I really save your post on my computer so that I can easily review it again. I start buying Christmas gifts as early as August. 🙂
We are actually on the market for some patio furniture, but we didn’t really look at where we were going to buy it from or when. I’ll wait for a bit then!
We love to buy stuff when it’s out of season because it can save you so much money. I even try and negotiate lower if it’s on bigger items to save more.
Great tips, Kyle! I particularly appreciate the one about Carpeting & Flooring as we will need to do this within the next 3 to 5 years.
Some nice tips there. There are a few of those which I didn’t know about and which I will be sure to remember
Great tips. I always try to wait till the end of a season to purchase for the next. It’s almost October, gotta grab the last of those bikinis now!
Wow, and with some planning, research and patience the shopper carries the day with humongous discounts and great products.
Outstanding tips!
Good tips! I often buy clothes out of season – my favourite pair of boots were bought just after the fall/winter season ended.
I’ve been doing a little shopping now during the post summer clearance for my grandparents. They have very few warm weather clothes so when we go on our family vacation they’re going to need some shorts etc. Neither of them owned a pair until I purchased them last week for 75% off.
I’m pinning this. Just too good of information to not have at my fingertips always. And I’ll be booking my florist next month for the wedding. 🙂
Great tips, Kyle.
Off seasons buying is really the best way to save some extra bucks. Truly it is all about timing… 🙂