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Tag: student loan debt

How Going To A Distance Learning College Kept Me Out Of Student Loan Debt


Good morning, frugal friends! Today we have another guest post! Carrie Lowrance from carrielowrance.com is sharing how she saved money on college costs by choosing a distance learning school option. 

As we all know, student loan debt is astronomical. The cost of going to college is growing by leaps and bounds and the financial ruin it is causing is devastating. Students who cannot pay their loans and go into default. Parents that lose everything over loaning money to pay on these loans. It is an all too common nightmare. Don’t get me wrong, an education is definitely worth it. But the possibility of financial ruin for the student and their family is not. Read more

Before You Go to College

Read this BEFORE you go to college
Read this BEFORE you go to college

Last week I heard about a recent study conducted at the University of Minnesota showed that a full 20% of U of M students there had, at some point, worried that they wouldn’t have enough food to eat. Frankly, this statistic stunned me. Why on earth would a student choose college when they couldn’t even afford food to eat? Read more