Warning: This post contains TMI. If you have a weak stomach, please go to another Frugal Farmer page or tune in next time for my post on the Worst Financial Advice I Ever Received. If you’re brave enough, strong enough or daring enough, read on for the hows and whys of the dreaded liver cleanse. π
*Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. The advice in this post is strictly my own opinion. Always consult your physician or chiropractor before conducting a liver cleanse.
Whew! Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get to the nitty gritty behind a liver cleanse.
Why Should I Consider a Liver Cleanse?
The liver cleanse, technically called a liver/gallbladder cleanse, helps release gallstones and other not-so-good stuff from your liver and gallbladder. The liver, among other things, is the garbage disposal of the human body. It stores toxins that can’t be broken up and released by the bowels/colon.
The gallbladder is a smaller organ that stores bile until that bile is released into the small intestine.Β Small stones, and sometimes larger ones, called gallstones, often build up in the liver and the gallbladder. Gallstones can be caused by a variety of factors, from a poor diet high in bad oils such as canola and corn oil/processed foods, and gallstones can also be caused by unresolved emotional stress. Unresolved emotional stress or unforgiveness inhibits the body’s ability to cleanse itself of toxins properly and naturally.
If you’ve ever heard of someone having emergency surgery to have their gallbladder removed, it’s likely because they had a large buildup of gallstones in their gallbladder that was causing serious abdominal pain and cramping. From what I’ve heard about gallbladder attacks, they are NOT fun – highly painful.Β The body will try and remove gallstones naturally, and if a buildup of stones, especially larger ones, exists in the gallbladder and/or liver, extreme pain can result as the body tries to remove these stones to get rid of the overload.
Recommended Reading: The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush
This is where a liver/gallbladder flush comes in.Β The liver/gallbladder flush that I use softens up the stones naturally through the consumption of a high amount of apple juice (malic acid), and helps the stones to pass more easily through the digestive system. Here’s a link to the process that I use for the liver cleanse:
It’s important to note that during the six days of the liver cleanse, your diet should be free of all animal products, cold beverages, and medicines and supplements should only be taken if absolutely necessary. A diet too high in fats and animal products can make a person nauseous if combined with a liver cleanse.
What to Expect as You Complete the Cleanse
This is the TMI part, my friends. The Epsom salts or magnesium citrate will make you poop. There, I said it. Similar to the preparation for a colon cleanse before a colonoscopy, you will be cleaning out your bowels.Β This is why it’s best to make sure days 6 and 7 of the cleanse are days when you can be at home, as you and the toilet will become fast friends. My kids call the liver cleanse “the poop cleanse” for this reason. π
The following morning, on day 7 of the cleanse, there’ll be more poo. If you have stones in your body, they’ll start to be released through your BM’s thanks to the olive oil/juice mixture. Older stones that have been in there awhile will be a darker green or turquoise – quite pretty at times, I’m embarrassed to say. The newer stones will be a lighter green color. You can also find tan stones and a white, tan-ish chaff-like stuff floating in the toilet.
It’s important to note that if you do pass stones, it means you should continue cleansing once a month until you have two consecutive cleanses with no stones present. Leaving a half-cleansed liver can can pain and discomfort.
What I experience AFTER completing a liver cleanse:
- more energy
- clarity of mind
- less pain, discomfort, fatigue
- less bloating/irritability
If you google liver/gallbladder cleanse, you’ll find a plethora of websites and articles, some singing the praises of the cleanse, and others warning of imminent danger from the cleanse. This is why I say consult your physician or chiropractor before doing a liver/gallbladder cleanse – to cover my own tail, and yours too.
I myself have had nothing but good results from doing these cleanses, and I consider it a vital part of my plan to be physically self-sufficient. I also have friends who do the cleanses regularly and have had the same good results. Many of the bad reviews I read about the cleanse added statements like “I didn’t follow the directions exactly/didn’t drink the apple juice/didn’t avoid animal products and fats/didn’t avoid eating on day 6 after 1:30” etc.Β This is why the directions are there, folks, to help you to conduct the cleanse properly.
I’m a firm believer in using the foods that God gave us to help keep the body healthy and clean. The liver cleanse is one way I help keep my body functioning at optimum level, as is my use of the macrobiotic diet.
Have you ever done a liver/gallbladder cleanse? Do you believe in natural healing?
I was born in Puerto Rico and my grandparents and parents believe in natural healing. I never tried liver cleanser before. Guess I shall be checking this out. Thank you Laurie.
I’ve learned so much about natural healing – it’s really changed things for us!
Hey Laurie. Glad you wrote about this – it’s a gross process, but one that more of us probably need to do (esp with our Western diets). Everyone poops!
LOL, yes they do. π
My wife had emergency surgery 4 weeks ago to remove her gallbladder. Not fun! Funny think was she had been eating healthy months before it happened. You just never know.
Oh dear! Yeah, the liver/gallbladder do suffer after years of abuse, or should I say “years of a normal Western diet”. I know I had a friend who was scheduled for emergency gallbladder surgery but chose to start doing the cleanses instead and he felt better after 1 cleanse, but he released HUNDREDS of stones. He now does the cleanses regularly and works to keep his diet clean. No more gallbladder attacks since he got those stones out, though.
Hmm, I’m not sure I’m convinced, Laurie. π I think this is because I’ve hear such awful things about colonoscopy prep, and that’s only for one day! But I can see how a system cleanse is a good thing. I’m just not sure if I’m brave enough to go for it right now…
The 5 days are no biggie – just avoiding animal products and fried foods, but those 6th and 7th days are very similar to the colonoscopy prep and can be a pain in the a** π
Interesting. My aunt just had surgery to have her gall bladder removed (apparently some of the stones were the size of golf balls?), and my other aunt, and a cousin have all had theirs out, as well. Surgery of any kind frightens me, but if it’s something you can do to prevent surgery, I’m all for it. All three of the women in my family who had their GBs removed had questionable diets, so maybe I won’t need to worry about it. I hope, anyway.
Making a lifetime choice of eating well definitely helps, IMHO. Interesting that your family members all had to have theirs removed and all have questionable diets. You know, the first cleanse scared me a bit (I can be a bit of a wimp about stuff like that but am getting better) but I’ve learned to buck up during subsequent ones. π
Please tell me that’s not a picture you took of your own stones, haha. π
LOL no – I’m not THAT brave to actually touch them. π Maybe one day. Or maybe not. π
I have never done a cleanse but completely believe our bodies can heal themselves if given the right nutrients. I’ve been working hard at eating well and supplementing. That sourdough bread calls to me though;0)
Me too, Jayleen! You should try macrobiotics or juicing. One week without bread and sugar, and you’ll be freed of those cravings and onto better things!
I haven’t done a liver cleanse but I’ve done a detox before. I may need to try this.
I love doing detoxes. You can feel the cleanness in your body!