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pan of cinnamon rolls with frosting
The BEST Gluten Free Cinnamon Roll Recipe

Delightfully Delicious Gluten Free Cinnamon Rolls

pan of cinnamon rolls with frosting
The BEST Gluten Free Cinnamon Roll Recipe

Hey, friends!! My dear friend Michelle, who blogs over at Rockin’ the Mom Role, (and who I lovingly call my “cooking extraordinaire” friend because of her expansive culinary talents) has created a mouth-watering gluten free cinnamon roll recipe, which she so kindly shared with us. This recipe would make the perfect addition to your Thanksgiving meal plan, either for breakfast or along with the Thanksgiving meal. Enjoy! 

Delightfully Delicious Gluten Free Cinnamon Rolls

Those who follow me, know I’ve been on a mission to create a Monkey Bread worthy of my very critical tastebuds. While I am obsessed with finding a recipe for light and airy nuggets of cinnamon sugared baked dough balls, which I make ONCE A YEAR, my girls have been missing plain old-fashioned cinnamon rolls, which we enjoy year ’round.  While in Seattle recently (my oldest graduated college and it was her graduation wish to take a trip out there) we found a little bakery offering gluten free cinnamon rolls at a little shop in Pikes Marketplace. Finding them, and chatting with the shop owner, we ordered them to be picked up fresh the next morning. Fresh and warm, the flavor was excellent, but they reminded me more of an expertly made biscuit dough, rolled with cinnamon, sugar and butter and baked. Don’t get me wrong, it made me re-think my monkey bread if I cannot figure out a risen dough version. But based on the oooooh’s and aaaaaah’s, along with murmurs  of happiness from my girls, it was obvious the cinnamon rolls were highly cherished.

I created my own version of an online recipe I found and the results were fantastic. Before I start, I will explain some of the potential pitfalls with this recipe right up front, and share my own tips and tricks.

Recipe Tips

This dough is sticky. Like, STICKY. Its not unmanageable, but my second batch will utilize the advice I’m giving you to make the process more manageable.
1. Use a Silpat. A lot of recipes use saran wrap to help shape and ease gluten free doughs. Sorry, but just isn’t going to work here. Don’t have a Silpat? Well, go get one. They have a lot of generics out there. Just get one. You’ll thank me later. They have a multitude of uses. Every kitchen should have one!

Silpat: A non-sticking baking sheet made of food-grade silicone and fiberglass mesh

2. Use a LOT of GF flour on your Silpat. I always have Pamelas Artisan Flour on hand, so I used that. You could use any good gluten free flour blend, or plain white rice flour. I like the blends better for applications like this, but I’m just leaving the option open. If you don’t use enough flour on that Silpat, the dough will stick. No worries, just use a floured bench scraper and gently pry it loose and keep the rolling process going.
3. Unless you melt the butter (see #8 note below), getting the creamed butter to ‘spread’ over the dough rectangle just isn’t going to happen in a pretty way. Granted, its fall/winter and my kitchen is cold, but that dough is soft. I gave myself some grace and just tried to make it work by ‘smooshing’ the butter mixture into flattened wads and laid them over the top. (see photo below)
4. Once you roll your dough log up, you need to cut your rolls. I have always used Dental Floss. It’s easy and gives a clean cut. Only have mint floss on hand? No worries! Just run it under water to wash off the mint flavor and cut a-way! (no way I’m admitting I did that)
5. Grease your pan. I use an organic coconut spray by Spectrum. It works great. but you can use melted butter. (hmmm, i think butter sounds better, don’t you?)
6. Can you use something other than Pamelas Bread Mix? I don’t know. I know that my Perfect Gluten Free Pancakes are amazing made with Pamelas Artisan Flour. I just can’t guarantee they will turn out the same. I do think Pamela’s is a true gift for the gluten free cook. It liberated me when my daughters were diagnosed. I’ve tried all the brands and I like Pamela’s best. I don’t get commission, so I think I can say I like the product and be unbiased.
7. Next time, I will use 2-3 pie pans. I think these were spread too far apart and so they had nothing to ‘grab’ in the rising process. They turned out flatter than I would have liked, and that could be due to over-rising, under-rising, or not crowded close enough together. My daughter assured me she couldn’t find a single thing wrong, so it might just be me, being self-critical!
8. Next time, I might try melting the butter for the spread. Pioneer Woman in her rolls, uses melted butter, white sugar and cinnamon. I am wondering if that would work here. I’m thinking out loud, so if you are adventurous, try it. If not, stick to the recipe. It works.
9. (Last one, sorry for so many ‘tips’!) Next time, I might let the dough rest for half hour in the mixer, gently beat down and then turn out. It works for gluten dough, helping give time for the flour to accept the liquid, making it a little dryer to deal with.

Now that we have covered some of the tips for success, let’s get to baking!

Gluten Free Cinnamon Rolls

For the complete recipe, including the filling and Nespresso frosting recipes, click here. 


Also, see Michelle’s recipe for Gluten Free Stuffed Pumpkin Snickerdoodles. 



  1. Hi,
    These look sinfully delicious! I’ve never been good with cinnamon rolls. Maybe I just don’t have the knack for it but appreciate your providing the extra comments and tips that many sites don’t provide. It’s those little things that make me think I just might be able to do it.

    • Laurie says:

      I struggle with them too. My mom makes them perfectly, but mine always turn out a bit hard and not nearly sweet enough. But my loving son says that’s part of the tradition. 🙂

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