It’s been a crazy week/weekend here at The Frugal Farmer!! First, on Friday, my dear blogging friend Hayley over at Disease Called Debt nominated me for the Versatile Blogger award. What a fun treat that was! The goal, it seems, of the Versatile Blogger Award is simply to spread the word and share some love about other bloggers that have impacted you. As are the rules of the award, first, I’ll tell you 7 random facts about me, and then I’ll nominate my own 7 bloggers for the award. Here are my 7 random facts:
1. I was an incredibly shy, awkward kid. A far cry from my current self, who probably cares far too little about what others think and am anything but shy. 🙂
2. I HATE mushrooms. They’re evil, and I will never eat one again. I think it’s the texture; that and the fact that really, people – they’re a FUNGUS!! Eeewww!! When I was young, my dad would routinely try and “hide” mushrooms in meals so that he could secretly get me to eat them.
3. I’m this weird combo of drill sergeant/mushy wimpy mom with my kids. On one hand, I shower them with lots of hugs/kisses/words of encouragement, often so much that I send them running. But they are so awesome that I just can’t help myself! Then there’s the drill sergeant side of me that let’s my kids get away with very little and pushes them to be and do their best always. I’m sure they think I’m Jekyll/Hyde some days. 🙂
4. I couldn’t care less about fitting in. Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt. One of the great things about getting older is that it helps you to realize that it really doesn’t matter what others think, but instead, that you can truly live with yourself and look yourself in the mirror each day. For me, that has a lot to do with whether or not my actions would be acceptable to Jesus Christ, and it’s now the only gauge I use when it comes to fitting in.
5. I have a dry, sarcastic, silly sense of humor. If you peeked through our windows, you’d often find me singing loudly or quoting movie lines that fit in with our conversations, and I’ve taught our children to do the same. Sometimes this is witty and funny, other times it’s a bit awkward, but I’d rather laugh than be serious. It’s more fun. 🙂
6. Even at 47 years of age, I wouldn’t hesitate to beat the crap out of someone who threatened my children’s safety. The kids have now, after so many years, gotten over the embarrassment of me chewing some lady or guy out at Walmart because they drove too fast in the parking lot and put my kids in danger. 🙂 I am fiercely protective of them.
7. I love you – I really love you!!! My growing relationship with Jesus Christ has put an immense love in my heart for the human race. Even if I don’t know you, I love you and pray for you often, that you would have a blessed and awesome life. I have a serious empathy and compassion for the human race.
And my 7 nominees for the Versatile Blogger Award? I”m picking some “newbies” because there are so many awesome newbies out there:
1. Deb and Al at Saving the Crumbs
2. Amy at Debtgal
3. Myles over at Myles Money
4. Taylor at Tipping Scales
5. My friend C over at Romania Experience
6. Steven from Even Steven Money
7. Raquel from over at Practical Cents
If you’ve already been nominated/completed your tasks for the Versatile Blogger Award, you can simply ignore my heartfelt nomination. 😉
Now, onto my other BIG news: Saturday night, as the fam and I sat around, eating our grilled sirloin steaks (farm-raised, grass-fed, for the low, low price of $3.50 a pound, I might add 🙂 ) and homemade chocolate mousse, I stopped in the office to check email and found that my Twitter account had been inundated with messages.
Turns out our little piggy here at The Frugal Farmer won the Plutus Award at FINCON for Best Green/Sustainability PF blog!!!! I cannot tell you how happy that made me, and how blessed I was by not only the nominations and the win, but by all of the well-wishes from those keeping up with these types of things. It truly made my entire weekend. Thank you so much, to all of you for reading and supporting our efforts here.
Fall is on its way, officially as of tomorrow, which will be followed by winter. So soak up some sun and play outside before the next Polar Vortex sets in!