9 Proven Ways to Find the Right Job Opportunities
February 17, 2023Increasing your income, finding a side job, or even working a side hustle are all ways to help improve your economic status. And while finding a new job opportunity can be tricky depending on your skills and industry, there are proven ways to position yourself for success. Related posts: 5… Read more
How to Increase Your Income by Diversifying Your Skill Set
November 10, 2022With the rate of inflation not getting any better anytime soon, one of the only ways to get ahead is to earn more. While there may be many different ways to do this, there is one way that works so much better than everything else. At least, in my opinion.… Read more
Where Can You Sell Your Wedding Ring?
November 7, 2022It is very typical if you are planning to sell your wedding ring. Many people do the same thing. There are also many reasons why people sell their rings. The number one reason people sell their wedding rings is that they no longer have a use for them. Many couples… Read more
How to Budget for Healthcare in Retirement
October 3, 2022A major part of planning for retirement is creating a financial budget. As you won’t be making a salary anymore, it’s crucial to be careful and aware of how you’re spending your pension and social security. One of the major expenses that retirees have are healthcare expenses. On average,… Read more
The Best Ways to Get Out of Debt and Increase Your Credit Score
April 4, 2022Whether you are trying to get out of debt, increase your score, or both, it can feel like you don’t know where to start. This is by design. If you don’t know how to get out of debt or increase your credit score when you don’t have a borrowing history,… Read more
How to Earn the Most Money with an Online Enterprise
December 14, 2021The revenue you earn as a company is the revenue you’ll have. In other words, you’ve got to work for everything you’ll get. There are smart ways to work, though. Using the best methods to become successful helps to speed up the process. Here are a few ways you can… Read more
How to Become a Homeowner with Bad Credit
December 14, 2021Most people understand that lenders consider your credit scores in the home loan approval process. If you don’t have good credit, getting a mortgage loan is more challenging. Here, we discuss how to improve your chances of getting a mortgage loan with less than stellar credit. Related posts: Buying a… Read more
Careers for Someone Interested in Making a Lot of Cash
December 14, 2021Making a lot of money is often every eligible employee’s first concern. Everyone wants to have the best car, best house, and live the most expensive life. This is only achievable with a high salary, something which is incredibly hard to achieve unless you know the right people or have… Read more
Why Your Credit Score Is Important
November 26, 2021In spite of all the credit cards that are out there, many people believe that a person will be happier if they live a credit-free life and only buy the things that they can afford. They may have no credit cards or one credit card that they use for emergencies.… Read more
Creating a Fabulous Home Office on a Budget
November 14, 2021Many Americans have spent the past year and a half working from home. This meant that they needed to create a space where they could get stuff done even if their home wasn’t designed for having a home office. You worked on your tables, at the couch, and sometimes even… Read more
Small Business Opportunities For Achieving Financial Success
November 2, 2021Starting a small business can be a challenging and rewarding venture. Whatever your reason for starting a business, finding the right idea can be difficult to figure out. Before you start, make sure that it has the potential to be popular and profitable. Many people decide to turn a passion… Read more
Practical Ways To Boost Your Savings
October 28, 2021Are you tired of spending every dime you make (or more)? Maybe you don’t like the feeling of not having a nest egg or want to save for a big-ticket purchase. Whatever the case is, your savings account balance isn’t increasing fast enough to accomplish your goals. While finding ways… Read more
3 Steps to Improving Your Credit Score and Why It Matters
October 5, 2021Whether you want to buy a house, a car, or rent an apartment, you need a good credit score. If you don’t have a high score on your credit report, that doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t buy big-ticket items or find a place to live. But it does mean that… Read more
Money Matters: How to Go From Debt to Wealth
August 27, 2021There are people who live a wonderful quality of life making five figures and those who struggle with a six-figure income. The difference is the way they handle their money. If you are careless with money, you will live a stressful life caused by outstanding debt. Thankfully, you can change… Read more
Eliminate These Things From Your Wallet for Healthier Finances
August 3, 2021Samuel L. Jackson and company never seem to tire of interrogating you about what’s in your wallet. They do this while pressing you to add a product that almost certainly shouldn’t be there. It is not just to cure your hopeless case of Costanza wallet. It is to help you… Read more
How to Manage Your Money Better
August 3, 2021If you earn a good living, enjoy a comfortable lifestyle, and appear to have no financial worries, it doesn’t always mean you’re good at managing your money. It may just mean that you’ve figured out how to earn well. Two ways that you can improve your money management skills are… Read more
Converting Your Passion Into Profit: How to Make Money as an Infopreneur
August 3, 2021In the not-so-distant past, making money solely from generating and sharing information was considered a pipe dream. Today, savvy people are doing it all the time, and so can you. We live in the Information Age, so why not take advantage of it by making money with your own info… Read more
How To Boost Healthy Financial Habits In Your Family
July 15, 2021How can you prepare your children for financial health? How can you give your children and teens a head start towards financial success? As a parent, your children are looking to you for advice, guidance, and modeling. Young children model spending, saving, and earning habits. Teens learn financial literacy… Read more
5 Tips To Reach Your Financial Goals For 2021
July 9, 2021Financial goals seem to be one of the most challenging to achieve. As a result, many succumb to debts, loans, and other financial aids. These means may help you with your current needs but may not help your future finances unless you use them for business ventures and other income-generating… Read more
Smart Retirement Goals to Grow Your Nest Egg
June 2, 2021It takes discipline and foresight to look ahead to one’s retirement. However, if done right, the payoff can be well worth the initial consideration. The biggest aspect of retirement to understand is that the earlier you start making changes and being a part of the savings equation, the better of… Read more
Is Bitcoin a Good Investment for Retirement?
November 25, 2020Cryptocurrency has been shaking up the financial sector for a few years now, far longer than most analysts predicted after the Bitcoin crash in 2011 which saw the pioneer cryptocurrency take a 93% drop. However, despite some teething issues, including a drop in value of over 80% over the course… Read more
The Best Mobile Apps for Freelancers
November 12, 2020Freelance workers earned $1 trillion, almost 4.8% of US GDP, during 2019, and the freelancer market has grown to 57 million workers, representing around 35% of the US workforce. If you are considering joining the growing pool of people who are starting their own freelance business, then there is… Read more
Investment Tips for When You’re Broke
November 11, 2020You need to make money to spend money — that’s the first rule of wealth management. Unfortunately, the second rule is that you need to spend money to make money, which makes accruing wealth quite a bit more difficult when you are flat-out broke. Fortunately, there are some ways to… Read more
Should You Invest in Commodities?
October 30, 2020Commodities are an asset class that is growing in importance in recent years. Some of the major commodities like gold, oil, coffee, cocoa, or rice are traded in large quantities, and their prices are subject to significant volatility. In times of pandemic, it is wise to think again about starting… Read more
How to Save for Retirement When You Can’t Afford To
October 14, 2020Because Social Security benefits are not enough to provide a comfortable life, especially for seniors with significant health concerns, failing to build robust retirement savings ultimately means that retirement is all but impossible. Rising numbers of Americans over 65 looking for work demonstrate that doing the bare minimum to prepare… Read more
Here are 5 Ways to Protect Your Business Finances
October 14, 2020A few challenges can force your business to close down. As a business owner, it is important to protect your business finances if you want the business to last and stay profitable. Below are some of the best ways to protect your business finances and keep your cash flow… Read more
What Is Corporate Strategy?
September 13, 2020All too often, business leaders fail to recognise the importance of implementing effective business strategies to keep companies relevant and successful. Plans are drawn up, presented at meetings, then quickly forgotten. Unexecuted strategic planning is a not only a waste of time and money, but also a wasted opportunity. Rather… Read more
These Tips will Help you to Start your Very Own Business
August 13, 2020Do you want to start your own business? Maybe you just want to make sure that you are doing everything you can to not only get the best result out of your business, but to also expand your wealth in the future. Either way, if you want some help or… Read more
Top 7 Stock Market Investment Basics for Beginners
July 3, 2020The stock market forms one of the traditional investment sectors for millions of investors around the world. Every investor wants to have some stocks in his investment portfolio as they are good at generating short-term returns in terms of dividends, and they may create huge wealth when kept for the… Read more
Why a UTMA Account is an Awesome Way to Help Kids Save
June 15, 2020When it comes to helping kids save money, there are just so many different options. Of course, you could go with the traditional savings account. However, those generally don’t keep up with the rate of inflation, so they will actually be losing money. There are also money market accounts and… Read more
5 Dividend Stocks Worth Investing In
June 14, 2020Some investors choose to generate passive income by investing in dividend stocks. This method provides you with a small payment based on the number of shares you own and dividend yield. It can be an excellent way to diversify your portfolio and help ensure you receive some type of income… Read more
How to Make Teaching Young Children About Finances FUN!
May 15, 2020When you have young children, teaching them about money is a big part of our job as parents. And this is especially important when they are young because they learn so much more quickly when they are younger. And, they are more apt to listen to us and follow our… Read more
Why it is Never Too Late to Realize Your Dream
February 27, 2020Some people find their big break at a young age such as Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, Judy Garland, Britney Spears and more; however, many people who have achieved success have done so later on in life. It is easy to stick to what you know and never look to try… Read more
6 Reasons You Need To Buy Gold in This Era
February 25, 2020You’d have often heard the proverb, ‘Old is Gold’ every time you pointed out something that looked old to you but held great significance to someone else. So how precious is gold to make them say that their treasured belongings were valuable? Gold might have been thought of like an… Read more
Trading the Critical Levels Like the Pro Trader
January 14, 2020The pro traders never trade the minor levels. They are always focused on high-quality trade execution. Unlike the naïve traders, they don’t push the risk factors to increase the profit. Trading is more like finding the perfect trades with managed risk. If you want to save your investment and trade… Read more
Why These are Two of Our Favorite Savings Vehicles for Retirement
August 15, 2019When it comes to retirement, we all want to get there. Tomorrow is the ultimate goal, but pretty far fetched, more often than not. But even if we can’t retire tomorrow, what we do with our money, and where we choose to put it, can have a serious impact on… Read more
What to Do When You Have No Time to Invest
August 14, 2019If you’re like most people these days, you lead a busy life. You probably work, and maybe you have a spouse or partner. In addition, you might have children or attend college as well. No matter what commitments fill your life, it can be difficult to juggle everything. You may… Read more
Inspiring Rags To Riches Stories
August 5, 2019Photo by Georges Biard // CC BY-SA 4.0 Caption: Hollywood stars such as Sarah Jessica Parker and Leonardo Di Caprio have come from humble beginnings Often when we think about the people who have millions in the bank and little to worry about in the way of debt, it’s tempting… Read more
How Can Forex Trading Make You Money?
July 10, 2019Can you really earn money from Forex trading? Most will probably answer “no,” but if you understand how Forex trading really works, you can actually make a profit out of it. While it is possible to make a profit out of Forex trading, the odds are all against you,… Read more
Learning Forex – Where to Start
June 13, 2019Thousands of people around the world earn a nice income trading currency in the foreign exchange market. The concept may not seem complicated at first, as buying low and selling high is easy to understand and is applicable across all types of investments such as stocks, bonds, and real estate.… Read more
How Can You Eat Healthy During the Off-Season?
February 15, 2019Since we are still technically in the winter season, it is more difficult to find fresh produce right now. This can make eating healthier a bit more difficult, and sometimes more expensive. But, there is a great way to use what you’ve already got to eat healthy and still not… Read more
How Growing Your Money is Like Gardening
February 7, 2019There’s something so satisfying about planting a seed and watching it bloom into a beautiful plant. The same gratifying experience can be enjoyed when you learn how to grow your money effectively. Use these tips to discover the many ways in which increasing your personal wealth is similar to gardening.… Read more
How To Make The Most of Your Investment In ISAs?
January 19, 2019With the start of the financial year fast approaching, this is the best time to look into your Investments Savings Accounts (ISAs). Every year on the 6th of April, you get to see for yourself how hard your money is working for you, as a new financial year is rolled… Read more
Why Should You Consider Switching to a High Yield Savings Account?
January 15, 2019When it comes to saving money, there are so many different ways to do it that it can make your head spin. Since it is a New Year, we wanted to take a look at how we were saving and see if we could reconfigure things to save us more.… Read more
How the Right Insurance Cover Can Help You Build Your Wealth
January 14, 2019A proper insurance cover is one of the undervalued methods of building wealth. Certain insurance policies offer incredible tax benefits and versatility that make them more than just an income replacement tool. When you carefully choose the right insurance cover, not only are you protecting the wealth you have worked… Read more
Refined Strategies for Limiting Losses When Day Trading
October 14, 2018Day trading consists of buying stock and then turning around and selling it on the same day to make a profit. Knowing how to limit your losses when day trading is essential to minimizing inherent risks. No day trader can turn a profit each and every day but with the… Read more
When Are the Best Times to Trade Penny Stocks?
October 13, 2018Penny stocks are stocks that are valued at less than $5, according to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Because there is a lower cost to buy, penny stocks can be a good way to try your hand at trading before investing in stocks that are more expensive. Penny stocks… Read more
Daily Habits of Successful People
May 2, 2018Whether you’ve got your sights set on running a global empire or you just want to make a little more cash each month, there are plenty of ways to emulate the rich and famous so that you can attract the same kind of success. After all, success is not always… Read more
A Simple Checklist For Opening Your Cottage
March 30, 2018While many cottagers wait until the famous May Two-Four weekend to open their cottage, you’re not like most cottagers. After a long winter full of bomb cyclones and last-minute flurries, you aren’t willing to wait until the mercury hits the teens to get to your home away from home. If… Read more
Building a Team For Your Startup
January 24, 2018The number one reason startups fail is due to people problems. Beginning a business is already a stressful matter, and making first hires only intensifies the situation. Startup founders want to make sure they are hiring people who are aligned to the company’s culture and values. Related posts: How to… Read more
How We Decided to Change Our Budget This Year
January 15, 2018With the beginning of the New Year, comes the standard desire for change. At least for the majority of us. Well, we happen to be no different in that we know that we can do better. Therefore, when we had our end of the year budget meeting to go over… Read more
The Best Money-making Tips for Choosing a Broker When You Trade Online
January 9, 2018Financial experts confirm that when trading online with the sense of making a huge amount of money, it is essential for you to choose only the best broker to assist you with your individual needs. A few financial specialists will pay higher exchange commissions for a cutting-edge stage; others check costs… Read more
Worried About Reaching Your Financial Goals This Year? Try This
January 3, 2018The New Year brings excitement for some, and dread for others as they despair over another potential year of failed goals. I can’t tell you how many years Rick and I spent making a New Year’s resolution to be better with money, and then proceeded to have ZERO success. It… Read more
The Risks that Can Come When Frugal Turns into Cheap
December 20, 2017I was reading another personal finance blog the other day and the writer was telling about how he had saved a LOT of money in a little bit of time. Several hundred thousand dollars in just five years. It was a cool and inspiring post, but as I read deeper… Read more
How to Avoid This Investment Mistake That Cost Us $750
December 18, 2017While we have a diversified retirement portfolio mix of Roth and Traditional IRA’s and a 401k, we have decided to get into another form of retirement investments. Real estate investment. As someone who has been engrossed in the real estate investment world with other investors for the past couple of… Read more
Before You Buy Your First Home
December 6, 2017The upcoming new year often leads people to start thinking about newer and bigger things, one of which might be the decision to become a homeowner. As a self-professed house nerd, the home buying process fascinates me to no end. While some financial gurus say that home ownership isn’t worth… Read more
Why are Retirement Accounts and the Holidays Related?
November 20, 2017This is the time of year where everything gets a little bit crazier and we all get a bit stressed out. The holiday’s can creep up on us, just like the end of the year, and when that happens we have a hard time deciding which way to turn. On… Read more
7 Ways to Give Your Financial Situation a Jump Start for the New Year
November 1, 2017It’s November now, and the end of the year always gets me thinking about MONEY. Not just because of holiday spending (which by the way will likely average over $1200 for Americans according to this report) but because the New Year brings a new opportunity to give your money situation… Read more
How to Break the Paycheck to Paycheck Cycle (and Start Building Wealth Too)
October 4, 2017Recent studies show that as many as 76% of families live paycheck to paycheck, meaning there is absolutely no money leftover at the end of the month. Having lived this way for several decades, I can attest to the fact that it’s no fun being in a money situation where… Read more
Is Buying A New Car Really That Bad?
August 29, 2017According to Experian’s State of the Automotive Finance Market’s latest report, people are still living with a love affair of driving expensive cars. But is buying a new car really that bad? Does it really destroy your chances for financial freedom like so many experts claim it does? Related posts:… Read more
Buck Up and Dream
August 7, 2017At a large-ish gathering this weekend, I came to the realization that much of our society has been brainwashed into believing certain things about life that simply aren’t true. I’m still in shock over the lack of education in many of these areas. I know I don’t often write snarky… Read more
12 Steps to a More Comfortable Retirement
July 25, 2017Today’s financial experts will tell you that we’re not saving enough for retirement. With only 32% of Americans being involved in a workplace retirement plan and the average couple having only $5,000 saved for retirement, I agree: there is work to do. The numbers are dim, indeed. Investment giant Fidelity… Read more
6 Money Beliefs That Might Be Keeping You Poor
June 26, 2017Today’s post is a guest post from Jon over at Money Smart Guides. Enjoy! You think you know your way around money, huh? Then how come you still have credit card debt, or how come you don’t have an emergency fund and a $10,000 car note? There are some very… Read more
10 Things Millionaires Know About Money & Success That You Don’t
June 21, 2017Is that elusive goal of “millionaire” status still seemingly out of reach to you? For years I thought that attaining millionaire status was just “luck of the draw”. Some people were “meant” to be rich, and others were “meant” to be poor. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t… Read more
Paying off Debt: How to Recover From a Blown Budget Month
June 14, 2017I originally published this post four years ago, but thought it was worth repeating. If you’re on a debt payoff or wealth building journey, and have spent the last month (or more) totally screwing up your budget – or if you read my post from Monday and are ready to… Read more
How Bad Do You Want It?
June 12, 2017It’s been a tough few months financially here in the Frugal Farmer household. The first part of the year was smooth sailing. We were doing really well on debt reduction. Then came April. Related posts: Worried About Reaching Your Financial Goals This Year? Try This How to Break the Paycheck… Read more
True Financial Restoration Has to Come from the Inside Out
June 2, 2017When I was in my early twenties (I’ll be 50 this summer) my BFF Judie and I were workout queens. Gym rats. Gym nerds. Muscle heads. Whatever you want to call it. We were amateur body builders who lifted weights three times a week in training from our body builder… Read more
What Happened When One Family Set a Goal to be Mortgage Free in Seven Years
May 22, 2017Today we’re sharing the story of Owen and his family. Find out what happened when they bought their house in the midst of tough economic times. When we bought our first home it was in the middle of the financial crisis. Our purchase came with a $240,000 mortgage. It was… Read more
9 Pieces of Financial Advice for High School Graduates
May 17, 2017It’s that time of the year when graduation caps will be flung in the air and high school seniors everywhere will be reflecting on their lives as children and anticipating what they’ll do with life as a legal adult. Some will be heading off to college to tech school, while… Read more
The Importance of Finding the Leak in Your Financial Ship
May 2, 2017One day soon after we began our “getting out of debt” journey I decided, for motivational sake, to go back and track how much we spent on eating out in 2012. It was in December of 2012 that we had our financial wake-up call and realized we had to… Read more
Financial Literacy Roundup: Week #4
April 28, 2017Alas, it’s the final post in this marathon of information that hopefully increased your knowledge base during Financial Literacy Month. Learning about money management is a lot of work, but it’s one source of education that will most surely pay off if you’re willing to put into place the pearls… Read more
How to Successfully Invest in Real Estate
April 26, 2017Today’s post comes from my good blogging friend Andrew, who blogs over at Living Rich Cheaply. There he talks about building wealth while living in one of the most expensive cities in the U.S., NYC. Today he is sharing his experience in real estate investing. Enjoy! There is an allure… Read more
Ways To Increase Passive Income
April 25, 2017This guest post of courtesy of my blogging friend Michael, who blogs over at Stretch a Dime. Enjoy! Some years back, I bought a young lime plant, and planted it in my backyard. I spent a good amount of time taking care of it when the plant was young. In… Read more
So, You Want to Start Investing
April 24, 2017Today we have a guest post from my good friend Kayla, who shares tips on personal finance management and side hustling over at kaylasloan.com. Enjoy! So, you want to start investing…but you aren’t sure where to start? I totally understand! I too am just starting to dip my toes into… Read more
How to Save Money When You’re Living Paycheck to Paycheck
April 12, 2017Hey, financially literate friends! Today we feature Cindy, who talks about how to save money when money is tight. For extra fun, you can visit Cindy’s guest post over at our sister blog, Fruclassity. It’s easy to feel you’re working for nothing. The bills are (barely) getting paid. But how… Read more
5 Tips to Help You Dive into Property Investments
April 4, 2017When my husband and I decided to invest our savings in property, all we saw were potential dollar signs in our future. We envisioned our money multiplying quickly. While it is possible, there are a few things we learned the hard way about property investments. It’s not just about saving… Read more
The Hidden Gems of Financial Wellness
April 4, 2017You want to know a secret to financial wellness? The truth is you probably already know what these secrets are, but you’re likely highly underestimating them. We did. For years. And knowing them but not doing them almost ruined us financially. Related posts: The Importance of Finding the Leak in… Read more
Why Financial Literacy Matters
April 3, 2017Hey, friends! This is our first of several posts about financial literacy in honor of Financial Literacy Month. Today, we feature Jack from Enwealthen. Jack blogs about investing, increasing your net worth and all things personal finance with a dose of entertainment and humor to boot. Imagine this. You’re living paycheck… Read more
Your Money Situation Won’t Change Until You Start Taking Responsibility for Your Actions
March 21, 2017I realize that this post might get me in hot water with some, but I recently read another article about the dire money situation of Americans and how it’s not their fault. Being an American who for many years took little responsibility for my own money situation (along with my… Read more
How to Avoid Student Loan Debt While Earning Your Degree
March 6, 2017Being we have four kids, the subject of college and how to avoid student loan debt is near and dear to my bank account, er, I mean heart. As entrepreneurs and big believers in self sufficiency, two of the main things we’re working to teach our kids about money is… Read more
Who Benefits From My Debt?
March 2, 2017“One way to grapple with debt is to ask yourself ‘who benefits from my debt?’” This is the question Mrs. Groovy suggested people ask themselves as they work toward paying off debt, and I thought that the profound statement deserved an entire post, so here it is. Related posts: Alternative… Read more
4 Ways to Make Money Blogging
February 15, 2017Hey friends! Since I’ve been talking a bit about the side hustle money I’m making doing this blogging thing (over $15k last year alone!) I thought I’d get more specific and share the details of what I’m doing and why I think it’s working. Making money by blogging isn’t always… Read more
5 Financial Moves for Millennials to Make Before 30
January 16, 2017Hey, frugal friends! Enjoy this guest post by our friend and fellow PF blogger, Josh from Money Buffalo. The big 3-0. It’s a number dreaded by most young adults because it means they are now officially old by pop culture standards. It is probably safe to say that the priorities… Read more
What’s Your Dream and How Will You Get There?
January 2, 2017Lately, more by chance than anything else, I’ve been stumbling on new-to-me bloggers sharing about their lives as early-retired or almost-early-retired people. The already early-retired people share stories about awesome days where they can go where they want without having to report in to a boss (other than their spouse… Read more
What Can I Pay Out of My HSA?
December 14, 2016In my humble opinion, the HSA is highly underrated and underused by many here in America. The more I look into this gem of a product, the more excited I get about contributing to it. We upped our contributions to our HSA this year because one of the kids needs… Read more
5 Financial Truths You Need to Face Up to NOW
October 31, 2016This post isn’t for all of you, but I’d be willing to bet that if it’s not for you, you know someone that it is for. If you’ve got your finances together but know someone who desperately needs to get theirs together, please consider sharing this post with them if… Read more
Want Something More? Then Do Something DIFFERENT!
October 24, 2016Our financial life started to change when we got sick and tired of being sick and tired. When we finally figured out that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. For years and years we tried and tried to increase… Read more
A Motivational Story for Getting Your Financial Sh*t Together
October 5, 2016It happened again yesterday, as it’s happened a couple of different times over our journey to get out of debt. I was talking with someone when they shared a story with me that firmly established in my heart why it’s so important we keep on our journey toward debt freedom.… Read more
Stories from the Great Depression
September 6, 2016Greetings, friends! I’ll try not to make this into a rant :-), but with all of the modern technologies of today and media ads running amuck telling us we need this, that and the other thing, I think we often forget just how good we’ve got it. So, in order… Read more
12 Things You Need to Know About Your Money
May 18, 2016So, I’m confessing off the bat that I’ve ripped off this post idea from Rockstar Finance. The short, but thought-provoking post needed an expansion – at least in my mind. The fact of the matter is that too many people don’t have as much of a clue about their money… Read more