You’ll NEVER be debt free. EVER!
Does that thought scare you? Good. I want you to experience some serious fear when you read that line.
Why, because fear can be an astronomical motivator.
Back in December, I wrote a post giving 7 Reasons Why You Can’t Get Out of Debt. I feel like I need to expand on that some more and share some additional reasons why some people will never, ever get out of debt.
I hear so many people saying that they simply can’t get out of debt.
I get it. Getting out of debt is hard. It takes work beyond what you can imagine for most people.
The reason for that is because many people with debt truly do have more debt than they can handle.
Do you feel like you have more debt than you can handle? Are you unsure about how to go about creating – and sticking to – a debt freedom plan?
If so, never fear – we’re here to help. Here are 3 reasons why debt freedom continues to elude you and what you can do about it.
Here’s Why You’ll NEVER Be Debt Free
You Haven’t Learned of the Immense Blessings that Come with Budgeting
For years we saw a budget as a ball and chain; a way of life that restricted our fun. When we finally got more scared of our debt load than we were of the thought of a budget, we began learning how to implement and stick to a budget that was created especially for our family’s wants and needs.
That’s when the real fun began.
We found out that budgets weren’t restrictive at all – they were FREEING! Now we could finally be sure we were using our money for the things that really mattered to us. And we learned to stop spending money on things that didn’t matter to us. This allowed us to begin to utilize a budget in a way that pushed us toward financial freedom yet still allowed us to spend money on the things that matter the most to our family.
The Solution
If a lack of a working budget is keeping you from getting out of debt, I highly encourage you to try budgeting for just thirty days, and see what freedom it can bring to your life. If you can learn to budget successfully, you can indeed achieve debt freedom!
Recommended Reading:
You Care Too Much About What Others Think
A road to debt freedom means making choices. It might mean foregoing vacations for a few years. Or fancy dinners out. Or buying name brand clothing. If you care too much about what others think about what you drive, wear and about how you live, you’ll never be debt free.
So the question you need to ask yourself is “Do you feel lucky, punk?” Kidding!
The question you need to ask yourself is, “How badly do I want to stop being a slave to this debt?”
Or, “How badly do I want financial freedom for my family?”
Is the opinion of others really more important to you than your peace of mind? Than security? Than happiness? Than freedom?
If so, you’ll never be debt free.
The Solution
HOWEVER, if you’re willing to choose to not care what others think of you, then you’ve got a shot at something MUCH bigger: FREEDOM!
- Freedom from being a slave to lenders
- Freedom from being a slave to your job
- Freedom from the stress of living paycheck-to-paycheck
- Freedom from having to say “no” to your dreams
Is that freedom worth giving up the approval of others? I know it was for us. And I hope it will be for you too.
You Don’t Have a Solid “Why”
The “why” is what motivates people to begin a debt freedom. Your “why” will give you the strength to begin. And the courage to keep on going in the face of adversity.
Here’s our list of “whys”: Motivation: Why We Said “Yes” to a Getting Out of Debt Journey
The Solution
Read our list of whys, and then make up your own list of “whys” that will motivate you to go on and complete a getting out of debt journey. As you make up your list of whys, think about and dream about all of the goals you could accomplish and the things you could do if debt wasn’t holding you hostage.
You Haven’t Learned the How to Persevere
One of the things that makes a journey toward debt freedom really difficult is that something always seems to happen to derail your efforts. The car breaks down. The furnace goes out. A mouse crawls up the inside wall of your fridge and dies there (yes, this really happened to us.).
Setbacks are a part of any getting out of debt journey, and if you can’t handle them and choose to persevere in the end, you’ll never be debt free.
That doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed days when you hide in your room and sulk all day. Or days when you b_tch, whine and complain about how life sucks. Or days when you simply stick your head under the pillow and hope it all goes away.
We’ve given in to all of those types of tantrums, and to a certain extent, it helps. But the difference between winning and losing at any goal is the choice to persevere.
If you will choose to persevere no matter what setbacks come, you will eventually reach debt freedom. If you don’t choose to persevere, you’ll never be debt free.
We’ve been on our debt free journey for 3 years now. It’s been difficult. There’ve been major league setbacks, both financially and otherwise, that have tempted us to throw in the towel many, many times. But because our “why” is bigger than our setbacks, we choose to persevere. And because of that, we are winning our battle against debt.
And you can too. Just don’t give up, and don’t give in.
You in?
I used to fit in these categories too, but over time I changed and it’s like a huge load has been lifted off me (Except for when the number for the property management company shows up on our phone about our house we’re renting out now because we couldn’t sell it – that’s never fun).
I’d add in another one: You think debt is OK.
I used to think I’d always have debt, that everyone had debt. My parents never talked about debt, nor did my friends, neighbors, or coworkers. I thought it was the norm. If it’s normal, then why fuss about it and stress yourself out more?
While it may be “normal,” that doesn’t mean it’s OK. And that was a huge mental hurdle for me to jump over.
“I used to think I’d always have debt…” So true, Lindsay! SO happy for you that you’ve found freedom – isn’t it grand?
A big part of getting out of debt and handling your money is the mental aspect of it. It takes hard work and sacrifice to change behaviors, but in the end its so worth it. Everyone’s motivation will be different, finding yours is the key for the journey ahead. Great post Laurie! Can’t wait for you guys to cross the finish line!
Me too, Brian! It seems like it’s been such a long and winding road, but we are determined to not give up!
I think I fell into category #2 a little with debt, but mostly with out of control spending. I didn’t want to say no to friends who invited me to things that cost money, like eating out, concerts, vacations, etc. You have to strongly believe in your convictions to get past that.
I can totally identify with that. We were the same way, Tonya. Aren’t you glad that’s over? 🙂
I agree with Brian above – being in debt is 99% mental. If you put your mind to it, you can largely prevent getting into debt in the first place. If you wake-up one day and find yourself deep in debt, you can get out one day at a time if your mind is in the right place!
“One day at a time.” That’s the key, Derek! Too often people want their debt gone “NOW”, but it truly does take serious patience.
“because fear can be an astronomical motivator” truer words have never been spoken, Laurie. Fear can play such deep mind games with you and the sadly most of us don’t even realize it. I still struggle with caring too much what others think – about how I spend or don’t spend or the choices I make. When the truth is the only person whose opinion should really matter is mine. If I want to save for something expensive and foolish that makes me happy that is my choice and right. Just as it is my choice and right to not spend money on things that don’t make me happy, no matter how inexpensive they may be.
“When the truth is the only person whose opinion should really matter is mine.” SO true! I wish we could all (myself included) learn this valuable truth and ingrain it into our hearts!
Not having a solid “why”, I think is a big reason why people don’t get out of debt, you’re totally right Laurie. You have to want to get out of debt and you need a powerful motivation to back it up.
That why is SO huge, isn’t it? The reason for the want has absolutely got to be bigger than the temptation to spend/satisfy immediate gratification. Thanks, Mackenzie!
Congrats! three years is really long to be debt free. I know it doesn’t only take you hard work, but also dedication, Laurie. Cheers to you. Hope you have another three years of being debt free.
Yes, we are working on it, Jayson. Thank you!
These are the exact reason why my co-workers are struggling with debt. They don’t budget…actually refuse to budget…it’s as if they are in denial. Thinking about what others think/keeping up with the Joneses mentality is prevalent in many people. Why do you have to buy certain brands to promote an image of living a luxurious life? And of course…the WHY is important. You need to have motivation. Why are you doing it? Being debt free is not enough…it’s being free of the financial stresses that come with that debt.
So true, Andrew!!! It’s so important to look long-term and stop thinking about the “now” when it comes to this stuff. There is something to be said for enjoying life now, but not at the expenses of the future.