The analogy goes that the lightbulb is a symbol for geniousity, but I'm not sure that putting one into another adds to the clevereness. To mee, it seems more like essential lack of geniousity - why not create a simple adapter instead? (and thus reduce the need to create one big bulb for every small - an effort that must be more than twice as resource intensive as only creating the small one.) I hope this pregnant hybrid is only a step on the way to a better solution (i.e. light sources that use less energy and resources during both production, distribution, use and recycling). (The title is a play on the words "Heavy as a pregnant elefant", which is used on labels for very heavy luggage when flying with Norwegian Air Shuttle). light bulb Technical Details Camera: DMC-GF1 Taken: February 4, 2013 Focal length: 35mm Exposure: 1/50 second ISO: 200